You’re Safe In the Dark [Chapter 2 Animation]

You’re Safe In the Dark [Chapter 2 Animation]
You’re Safe In the Dark [Chapter 2 Animation]

You're Safe In the Dark [Chapter 2 Animation] Phew…….aint that a long ass title. This is an animation for Chapter 2 of the new book I’m typing, «You’re Safe In the Dark.» Honestly, I like the sound effects better than the animation itself. I spent most of my time on the audio, and was just ecstatic about it. Then I open my flash program…… and have no idea what to do for an animation. So I’m not really that satisfied with the animation, it was just annoying put together to have something for the audio to connect to. I wouldn’t be surprised if you hit mute after the first 2 seconds of this submission. xD It’s REALLY annoying and gives you a headache right? Well that’s what Ben (in my book) has to go through, but the audio is only getting louder, and he can’t escape it. You’ll hafta read it, and try to put yourself in the story to get a feel of the hell he’s in. This was literally an all day project, took at least 7hrs. MY flash program would crash occasionally. Hey, what do you expect from a program made back in 2004, yeah know? But I don’t have the cash to upgrade, unless someone can give me $2,000 so I can buy a new one? No? Didn’t think so. If you haven’t read Chapter 1, pfft…sucks to be you. If you haven’t read Chapter2, wow…. it REALLY sucks to be you. Oh, and the scary faces and such were randomly taken off of Google Images. I didn’t like looking them up, or saving to my PC, they quite simply….freaked me out. But hey, I HAD TO LOOK AT THEM CONSTANTLY. So don’t come crying to me that you’re scared! Enjoy. >:3

Categories and tags of the game : Epilepsy Warning, Gore, Horror, Other, Single Player