You have to get the cat onto the table

You have to get the cat onto the table
You have to get the cat onto the table

You have to get the cat onto the table Computer games are getting too good nowerdays… some where, at some time, something is happening. in this example of “You have to get the cat onto the table”(or YHTGTCOTT for short) a cat (with only 1 life left) is falling down a tower, its only hope is to land on the table.and thus become tablecat. and whats more said cat is so lazy that it will only ever face one direction. If you guide the cat onto the table it will be a rewarding experience and you can discuss the event which has just occurred with your friends in honor, but if you fail then cat will be sad at you 🙁 some graphics are original,whilst some are more blatantly stolen from YHTBTR its not even got a funny song at the end. lose/lose situation tl;dr rate 1, move on Instructions space: to start/ give up arrows: to control cats fall alt+f4: end game abruptly alt+PageDown: nothing CapsLock+Esc+Y: also nothing

Categories and tags of the game : Auto-zipped, Joke, Single Player