You are a pirate!

You are a pirate!
You are a pirate!

You are a pirate! So yeah, this was just a project to relax, I wanted to do something without too much commitment, so I just got this song I had laying around and started working, it ended up taking absurdly long to finish, mainly because I was too busy playing videogames. Last night I decided to finish it, I needed to get rid of it to start something more serious. This ended up being the best looking animation I did, but probably not the most entertaining. A lot of stuff was cut out from what I intended because the song is too short to fit all my ideas, also because of artistic limitations that thankfully I’m slowly overcoming. Also it’s a change from the violent animations I did in the past. The song is You are a pirate – Lazytown, most people probably know it. I hope you like. Edit: It’s so nice seeing a thumbnail of something I created myself showing in the daily second spot! It’s kinda weird seeing something I worked on being part of a website I access all the time. I love you newgrounds! Thanks for all the great reviews! Edit 2: FRONT PAGE? Oh my! I can’t believe it! It’s my first frontpage! Thanks everyone! 🙂

Categories and tags of the game : LazyTown, Music Video, Pirate, Single Player