YCH Walking Dog
THANK YOU FOR ENTERING ![:D](https://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/biggrin.gif «:D (Big Grin)») Highest bidders please send in the character you wish to be animated via note! I will finish the sketch and show you for approval, once approved I will require payment before I finish with the piece (line art, color, shading if wanted, background)
EDIT: I found some wifi so I can keep track of this little action until I get back from my journey![:D](https://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/biggrin.gif «:D (Big Grin)»)
1. Once won, the winner may add on what you wish, *clothing, wings, horns, ext.* But I will not change the animation!
2. Once won please send a note of the character you wish to be drawn.
3. If payed for with money please note I am using PayPal and will require an email.
4. Choice of Simple or Complicated background (your choice)
5. Can change gender upon request in the note.
6. NOTE: I am using Flash for this. If you wish for detail please be aware it will take more time for me to
complete since that will require I use Photoshop as well ![:)](https://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/s/smile.gif «:) (Smile)»)
Auction ENDS June 23rd
1. Starting Bid: $5 or 500![:points:](https://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/p/points.gif «Points»)
Min Increase: $1 or 100![:points:](https://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/p/points.gif «Points»)
Auto Buy: $10 or 1,000![:points:](https://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/p/points.gif «Points»)
Highest Bidder: [![:iconimalittlecreeper:](https://a.deviantart.net/avatars/i/m/imalittlecreeper.png?6 «ImaLittleCreeper»)](https://imalittlecreeper.deviantart.com/)
2. Starting Bid: $5 or 500![:points:](https://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/p/points.gif «Points»)
Min Increase: $1 or 100![:points:](https://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/p/points.gif «Points»)
Auto Buy: $10 or 1,000![:points:](https://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/p/points.gif «Points»)
Highest Bidder: [![:iconrainbow-moose:](https://a.deviantart.net/avatars/r/a/rainbow-moose.gif?15 «Rainbow-Moose»)](https://rainbow-moose.deviantart.com/)
Don’t like what you see? or you want something else? **Commissions are: [OPEN](http://fav.me/d8mw7cd)**Art and Animation (c) Kaela Perry
Categories and tags of the game : Advertisement, Canine, Loop, Single Player, Walk Cycle