WTF?! Welcome! You’ve stumbled into WTF?! – a WoW inspired side-scrolling Flash-based RPG. Scenario: The time/space continuum of Azimuth has enfolded. A Rift Lord’s unwittingly opened a portal from the earthly netherworld, and the place is crawling with infamous historical thinkers, like Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, and Mary Daly, each of whom is trying to enlist your help in effort to figure out WTF Azimuth is all about. And… as you might imagine, there’s plenty of conflict as they attempt to make sense of the ways in which, as Mary Daly puts it, «the game naturalizes a Western militaristic heterosexist hypersexualized patriarchal capitalism, played out in relation to a spiritually infused race war – kinda.» It’s an ideological revolt, or perhaps it’s just ideologically revolting. Something is definitely afoot. You must choose whom to align with as competing factions attempt to find the means to wrest control of Azimuth away from whomever, or whatever, currently holds power. Think WoW meets social theory meets game studies meets, well… tabloid journalism… since you also dig up plenty of dirt about some of these characters along the way. Woot! In this first installment you can play 2 main characters, quest in 4 unique zones, interact with over 15 NPCs, and advance to level 10-ish… but be patient, it’s ~5.8 MB file that needs to load. The core functionality and game mechanics are present, but only a sampling of the content to come. And maybe that’s a good thing…

Categories and tags of the game : 3D, Adventure, Role-Playing, Single Player, World of Warcraft