Word Works
Single Scramble:
Try to unscramble the set of scrambled letters. If you create a word that appears in our dictionary, the letters will explode. The number of letters multiplied by the «MULTIPLIER» will be added to your score. In addition, the multiplier will increase by 10 after each word. Try to guess the word before the letters scroll out of sight. If they do, you’ll lose on of your chances. You have three chances… Lose them all and the game is over.
Multiple Scramble:
In each round, a set of scrambled words will scroll by. The first letter of each word is correct and shown by a red block. These blocks cannot be moved. However, you can switch any of the green blocks by clicking them. Try to complete every word in a set and submit them by pressing the «SUBMIT» button or hitting ENTER on your keyboard. You’ll lose one of your chances for every word you miss. You have five chances in all.
Categories and tags of the game : Auto-zipped, Puzzle, Single Player, Word