Windows XD V2
This must be the worst computer ever! except macs! >:)
This is the update of Windows XD!
BTW, there is no audio yet apart from the music player and logon!
Please be patient for it to load!
Press f11 on your keyboard before pressing «play this game!» to view it in a screen big enough!
Or view it in a popup window: /portal/viewer.php?id=459 718&key=HtHsJuXzltOzhxbSt iM2Y3MzMxNmY2QjIzMzIrNV9x M2IzMTE7QjEyQlYxOzJWMDJiN TI0ZjgrVnFfOTExbTk5NzAzOD g3Nw%3D%3D
::EDIT:: The screen is now small enough for anyone to view and there are now 2 songs and credits!
Virus Alert© Copyright Weird Al Yankovic
Categories and tags of the game : Computing Device, Joke, Simulation, Single Player