-:Windows Magi | SP2:-

-:Windows Magi | SP2:-
-:Windows Magi | SP2:-

-:Windows Magi | SP2:- ================= Windows Magi | SP2 ================= UPDATE 4:-http://www.newgrounds. com/portal/view/431810 – SP3 UPDATE 3:-I’m going to complete Windows Magi SP3 😉 UPDATE 2:-PLEASE RECOMMEND THIS FOR A COLLECTION. UPDATE 1:-Almost done with Windows Magi SP3 (30FPS). Important:- Windows Magi(SP2) is completly different from Windows Magi (SP1) and also more Advanced. Please leave a reveiw and Don’t forget to Vote. So,Vote 5!!! Please Recommend it Windows collection. Thank You. This is my fourth submission.I’m 13. It tooks 5 days to do this.Be ready for Windows Magi SP3. +++Features+++ -Disabled hand cursors(It’s like real Windows) -Double-click icons -Calculator(REAL) -Draggable icons -Dragabale Windows(but only some are.Sorry About That). -Original Clock Time -Original Analog Clock Time -Windows Magi (SP1) Download For your Computer -Date and Day -Notepad -Cursor Trail -Paint(Sized Brushes,Colors,Eraser,[Sp ecial Thanks To Matty]) -Speedball(GAME) -Space-Fighter(GAME,Passw ord required) -Pong(GAME) -Maze(GAME) -Wordpad -Tour Windows Magi -Windows Media Player -Pictures -Control panel -Desktop picture -Google(Black) -Newgrounds -Wallpappers (13) -Theme Changer(Invert Windows) FPS=16 Problems:- If you want to play the pong game,dont play Space-Fighter first. If you play Space-Fighter first,Pong game will not work. ENJOY-DUDE ;)..

Categories and tags of the game : Arcade, Computing Device, Dragon Ball, Epilepsy Warning, Harry Potter, Joke and more..., Looney Tunes, Mortal Kombat, Pong, Shoot 'Em Up, Simulation, Single Player, Spider-Man