Wendy, Gravity Fall’s Manliest

Wendy, Gravity Fall’s Manliest
Wendy, Gravity Fall’s Manliest

Wendy, Gravity Fall's Manliest EDIT (8/26/2014) : I got a commission from an anonymous someone to add an extra egg to this project ^^ It involves a little belly expansion and burping. You can look for it if you like, or just click the egg button at the beginning. Enjoy! ———————————————————————————————————— Finally finished my latest collab with https://theforbiddendookbag.deviantart.com/:icontheforbiddendookbag: This one has lots of Gravity Falls characters, including Mermando, the title screen bat, Leaderuar, and much more. But the focus is on a giant Wendy acting as though she’s one with the Manitaur pack. Maybe it’s in her blood? Her father is Manly Dan, after all. Easter egg? Yes

Categories and tags of the game : Action, Adult, Collaboration, Commission, Gravity Falls, Inflation and more..., Macrophilia, Moderate Violence, Single Player, Vore