Vocaloid School Sim Date
This is such an old flash! I made this like… Last year? And I never got around to finishing it. D: Haha. I’m thinking of finishing it. Or remaking it. causeithinkthisishorrible/shot If I get good results for this and people asking for more then I might try finishing it. :3
EDIT!!!! 22/11/12
Ok. I’m gonna do a like FAQ here so I don’t have to keep answering them. |D
Q1. Are you going to continue the game?
A: Yes! I’m getting such good feedback so I’m planning to.
Q2. When are you going to finish it?
No idea. Not anytime soon. BUT, I’ll be on end of year holidays soon so that’ll give me heaps of time to add more to it! Maybe even finishing it!
Q3. Is ______ going to be in it?
Well, I’ll tell you who will be in it. Kaito, Akaito, Len, Gakupo and Kiyoteru. And perhaps one secretish character~
Q4. Where can I download the ___ model?
If you’re asking about the Kaito, Akaito and Gakupo models, they are not up for download. :c I edited them with non-redistributable parts. So sorry. D: You can download that Len cause I didn’t make him. He is made by Kio. I’m not sure about the Kiyoteru model though. The person deactivated their account.
And that’s all of the questions I can think of. But please hang tight for possible updates on things and whatnot!
Models – Kio, MamamaP, myself, ChietheBekon and Kurauchi
Categories and tags of the game : Adventure, Anime, Dating Simulator, Incomplete, Moderate Language, Moderate Violence