TRANSGRESSION All police forces are clones. The COPY-Y program has been a success so far – Clones bred for their accuracy, skill and impeccable teamwork has driven the rate of crime down with a invalable yet displosable squad. You are two subject of the COP-Y police program, agents 201811420 and 201811419. Your mission? Ascend this tower, find and kill the Transgression. Destroy those who get in your way. CONTROLS (Pause game for in game listing) P1 [201811420] Left and Right arrows – MOVE Down -> AIM Up -> JUMP Enter -> SHOOT P2 [201811419] A and D -> MOVE S -> AIM W -> JUMP Space -> SHOOT To note, this game was designed as a co-operative experience, although it can be completed alone. Produced for Jam For Leelah way back earlier this year but never released, I decided to take some time to finish off this project. I hope you enjoy and please let me know what I can do to improve it. TRAILER: PRESS KIT: JAM FOR LEELAH: MUSIC PRODUCTION: DESIGN AND PROGRAMMING:

Categories and tags of the game : Action, Cooperative, JamForLeelah, LGBTQ+, Pixel, Platformer and more..., Shooter, Stencyl