Toy Claw Machine
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Hooray! The toy claw machine is finally here 😀
I advise you read the instructions first and if you get stuck post a comment and I’ll see if I can help :aww:
I hope it’s fairly straight forward to get the hang of!
I want to say a huuuge thankyou to my boyfriend ~VividView for helping me out so much with this. It started out as him teaching me more advance actionscript and I came up with this idea for the game. I kinda got it half working by myself, but then Craig came along and super improved it 😀 Like without him I wouldn’t be able to have the toy claw machine sound + the background music play at the same time. Also the hit tests would’ve been pretty messed up. The claw would’ve worked rather dodgy too :O_o: Basically he’s amazing and an actionscript God 🙂
:bulletpink:The aim of the game is to collect all the items into your stickerbook
:bulletblue: It’s random what prize you get.. or if you get a prize at all!
:bulletpurple: Customise the machine to make it feel a bit more personal
Categories and tags of the game : Single Player, Toy