Thinking With Portals – Test Mk.5: Trust and Cooperation

Thinking With Portals – Test Mk.5: Trust and Cooperation
Thinking With Portals – Test Mk.5: Trust and Cooperation

Thinking With Portals - Test Mk.5: Trust and Cooperation Youtube link: [link] ———————————————————– :iconcavejohnsonplz::iconsaysplz: THANK YOU CELESTIA!!! I was worried that we’d be unable to build a branch here in Ponyville; that is until our dearest Princesses offered us their old castle as our HQ. Did a little fixing here and there, install a brand new test track and voila! Aperture Science is up and running in Ponyville! Oh, and something else, we’re also selling our brand new «you customise it» line of Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device for only 80 bi… :iconcarolineportalplz::iconsaysplz: Uh sir? Shouldn’t we go straight to testing? :iconcavejohnsonplz::iconsaysplz: Oh… yeah, testing. We’re trying cooperative testing today. What I know is that ponies usually cannot be trusted. But what about the alicorn sisters? Will they have that extra 6 seconds of cooperation? bet my bottom bit they won’t. ——————————————————————– This one is a doozy ^^; 3 new character bodyparts (Celestia, Cave and Caroline), all new backgrounds… No wonder I’m a week behind schedule. I’m tardy :icontwilightcrazyplz: This one undergoes 3 title changes from «I know you know I know,» to «In the name of Science,» to this one. Another unimportant fact: this one is the most portal-esque compared to the others 🙂 And of course you might notice a quality drop compared «Rainbow Highway.» I could blame it to the sisters who are quite difficult to bring alive, but I have to blame myself for not putting that 142% effort on this particular one. You may slap me now. Speaking of which, Feedback and/or critique is most welcome. And please don’t hold back, if you think I deserve some scolding and constructive criticism, go hard on me. Next up… Well it depends. I can close the series at Mark 6 with Twilight’s revenge or I can add one more with Fluttershy being forever alone, bringing it to 7. Your pick? ———————————————————————- I was wishing to begin a new series; however, this one is different. Now I know that I like to work on my own… But then what I’m planning actually requires voice actors – most urgent being probably Gilda and Rainbow. I hope its not too much to ask, but will it be ok if I ask you guys to help me with a little VA in the close future? Music: Reunion [link] and Forwarding the Cause of Science [link] fresh from the ovens of Portal 2 by Valve My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (c) Hasbro Portal (c) Valve Program used: Macromedia Flash 8 Other thinking with portals: :iconderpynoesplz: Postal: [link] :iconpinkieismindfckedplz: Prank: [link] :iconapplejacknoesplz::iconapplebloomplz::iconeeyupplz: Maintenance: [link] :iconrainbowdashderpplz: Rainbow Highway: [link] :iconfluttercryplz:Home Alone: [link] ———————————————————————- :iconcavejohnsonplz::iconsaysplz: Uhh… Twilight, that way is to the Repulsio… Damn… That’s the 3rd Test subject to get covered by the Repulsion gel…

Categories and tags of the game : Comedy, My Little Pony, Portal, Single Player