Thinking With Portals – Test Mk.4: Rainbow Highway

Thinking With Portals – Test Mk.4: Rainbow Highway
Thinking With Portals – Test Mk.4: Rainbow Highway

Thinking With Portals - Test Mk.4: Rainbow Highway :iconcavejohnsonplz::iconsaysplz:Wha… Where’re those Gels?!? They’ve gone missing by the barrels!!! :iconcarolineportalplz::iconsaysplz:Mr. Johnson, Rainbow Dash just ordered them; dozens of barrels of gels. I’m not sure what she’s going to do with them but… :iconcavejohnsonplz::iconsaysplz:Hahahahaha! That girl, always on the move. That’s what I like! Deliver the gels to her house this instant. I’d love to see what she’ll be using with those! Perhaps we can even see a Land Based Sonic Rainboom! This one is aimed to practice more on fast paced animation as well as hair dynamics. I don’t know if I got them right, but let’s see about that… By the way, I need to hire a repairman after Twilight broke my laptop screen… Those things cost quite a fortune you know?!? Speaking of which, Feedback and/or critique is most welcome. And please don’t hold back, if you think I deserve some scolding and constructive criticism, go hard on me. Once again, I wish to give credit to :iconsprybug: who had taught me all the newer techniques that allow me to create better animations (not to mention easier too!) And of course all of you guys who have kindly gave me feedback and critiques; it goes a lot into improving! Next up on the list would be most likely the Alicorn sisters as they try to outwit each other and lock themselves in a deadly game of Portal Combat. Featuring Pony Cave Johnson! :icontrollestiaplz:VS:iconsarcasticlunaplz: Music is «Rainbow Road» and its variation: [link] My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (c) Hasbro Portal (c) Valve Program used: Macromedia Flash 8 Other thinking with portals: :iconderpynoesplz: Postal: [link] :iconpinkieismindfckedplz: Prank: [link] :iconapplejacknoesplz::iconapplebloomplz::iconeeyupplz: Maintenance: [link] :iconsarcasticlunaplz::iconcelestiaunamusedplz::iconcavejohnsonplz::iconcarolineportalplz: Trust and Cooperation: [link] :iconfluttercryplz:Home Alone: [link]

Categories and tags of the game : Comedy, My Little Pony, Portal, Single Player