The Llama Song
I can’t believe this is still getting views and favs so often! Thanks to all the llama lovers out there. 😉
Just to avoid disputes, this is THE Llama Song, originally posted right here on DA before any other site on the net… and before any other site on the net stole it.
I wrote it, sung it, played it, made the pics… everything!… well, in the old version that’s still ripped on some websites the pictures weren’t mine, so this is technically The Llama Song MKII… but minor details, minor details…
I took the photos, or relatives did, and I drew all the pictures except for the orange slaying the rake one, but a friend did that and said I could use it… thanks, :iconneedidentity:!
Categories and tags of the game : Auto-zipped, Comedy, Live Action, Music Video, Single Player