The guy with the hat is angry.

The guy with the hat is angry.
The guy with the hat is angry.

The guy with the hat is angry. So you’ll never guess. So I found this crippled old tablet pen from, like, forever ago at the dawn of Wacom even. Miraculously, it does work on my box! Except crappily! And it like freezes and crap. But I’m being a whining jerk so yes. It’s good until I can get a new one. I DID NOT SLEEP AT ALL LAST NIGHT THERE WAS A FRENCH TOAST CRISIS. And…today…all I ate was an egg and a thing of beef jerky and like a gallon of Mountain Dew. A fascinating glimpse into my diet. So I was working on this one kindof large Flash (that may never see the light of day at this point, most don’t), but I hit a dead end with it. I wanted to keep animating something because it is summer and school’s out for summer and my short life is being wasted with non-productive activities, so I just did a little loop of an angry guy with a hat. Don’t know, no reason. Something’s off with the flow, though, and I can’t tell what. Unicorns kindof piss me off, though, so I tried subtly working that in there. Oh but you guys will never guess what I heard! I heard…that Apple was thinking about merging with Nintendo.,39029432,49276362,00.htm?r=10 Oh, guys, wouldn’t that just be the digs? Well…I’d be exited for it. Both’ve been huge parts of my life since ye olden days. But, you know, it’s just rumors right now, and even if it were positively true we’d most likely not hear anything about it for a few years. But…it’s actually really, really unlikely for a full merge. I’d still like to see them collaborate on something, though… But…well. I can say that I’m already euphoric over the fact that my frickin’ new DS Lite matches my Mac Mini so perfectly.

Categories and tags of the game : Action, Blood, Joke, Loop, Single Player