The Brony Anthem
Inspired by all the awesomeness of the MLP fandom recently I decided to filk about bronies. Nope, not ponies, but the folks who love ‘em! And what song would be better filked into an anthem for bronies than the Bad Horse letter song aka the most epic non-MLP equestrian-related song ever?
So, um, I can’t sing very well. And my «recording studio» is basically a crappy mic and Audacity (the clicks are from the fact that the plastic that supports the headset snaps when I move my muscles too much). So if somepony (or someponies?) wanna do a better/more Bad Horse chorusy rendition and send it to me I’ll totally upload it and give ya’ll credit. Better yet, dress up as cowponies and make a Youtube video. ^^
EDITED 6/29: sent me a female vocal version and so I tried to sing the Bad Horse chorus version on top of it and this is the result:
Oh, and lyrics are below:
Bronies! Bronies! Bronies! Bronies!
We trot across the Internet we love and tolerate
Even trolls and parasprites, ‘cos haters gonna hate
We love these magic ponies we think they are first rate
Beautiful hearts, faithful and strong; sharing kindness isn’t wrong
Bronies! Bronies! Bronies! We’re friends!
There’s Equestria Daily and bronies on the air
Ponychan is awesome we got lots of friends there
We welcome everypony be they a colt or mare
So saddle up, and make some puns—Friendship’s Magic!—have tons of fun!
Categories and tags of the game : Interactive, My Little Pony, Single Player