Taipoly Industries Corporation Website Index Banner (Taichung City, Taiwan)

Taipoly Industries Corporation Website Index Banner (Taichung City, Taiwan)
Taipoly Industries Corporation Website Index Banner (Taichung City, Taiwan)

Taipoly Industries Corporation Website Index Banner (Taichung City, Taiwan) aipoly Industries Corporation established in August, 1986. With over 20 years of experiences, we devote ourselves developing and manufacturing high quality flexible materials. Other than packaging materials for food products, we also provide multi-layer materials for electronic devices, medical products, bio-technology products, pet food, cosmetics …etc. Recently, we have been focusing on refining management system and creating company culture. TAIPOLY is now recognized as its professional image in the field of flexible packaging materials. After two expansions and investing in new production equipments, Taipoly now has the latest models of machines, including 8-colors high-speed roto-gravure printing presses, Sumitomo extrusion lamination machines from Japan, Schiavi solvent-less lamination machine from Italy, Laser-sharp easy open slitting machine, and the latest Nishibe FlexiBox pouch converting machine, and etc. In order to produce high quality products for customers and a good working environments for workers, Taipoly establishes two brand new clean rooms to produce food grade flexible packaging materials with outstanding hygienic standards. In the past years, the reason why Taipoly successfully overcomes many obstacles and competitions is because the spirit that we uphold-striving for excellence, rivet to details. With our beliefs, we are able to grow and build good relationships with our customers, supplier, and employees. In the management, we focus on improvement of quality, service, speed, and environmental protection. Working perfectly and smoothly with customers, suppliers and employees, we believe Taipoly can grow steadily into the future and become the leading company in the field of flexible packaging materials. 关於我们 台湾薄膜工业(股)公司成立於1986年8月,二十余年来,不断致力於高品质软性 包装材料之研发制造,所生产之产品除提供各种食品包装外,并跨足高科技电子产业、美容医药产业、生物科技产业、宠物饲料产业等。 近年来,更致力於经营管理体质之改善及企业文化之建构,台湾薄膜「TAIPOLY」之专业品牌形象已於软性包装产业占有一席之地。 历经二次迁厂及不断投资扩充新设备,本公司拥有各项高规格、高性能之机器设备,包括最新型八色高速凹版轮转印刷机、日本住友淋膜机、义大利Schiavi无溶剂贴合机、日本西部机械拉链站立制袋机及最新引进之盒装型直立软袋制袋机,以及美国雷射易撕切割设备等;为了让公司所生产之软性包材更符合食品安全卫生之要求,近年来更扩建两座无尘室洁净厂房,期以更高品质的作业环境,为客户提供更优质的产品。 过去这些年来,台湾薄膜之所以能成功地克服许多竞争与障碍,是因为我们强烈的秉持着「追求卓越、精益求精」的经营理念,与我们的客户、厂商及员工共同建立友好和善的关系,使公司稳定成长。目前管理重点着重於「品质、服务、速度」之提昇及环境保护,我们相信,只要结合我们的客户、厂商及员工一起努力,台湾薄膜必将以稳定的脚步和优於同业的表现持续成长,展望未来成为全球软性包材产业中之领导厂商。 台灣薄膜工業(股)公司成立於1986年8月,二十餘年來,不斷致力於高品質軟性 包裝材料之研發製造,所生產之產品除提供各種食品包裝外,並跨足高科技電子產業、美容醫藥產業、生物科技產業、寵物飼料產業等。 近年來,更致力於經營管理體質之改善及企業文化之建構,台灣薄膜「TAIPOLY」之專業品牌形象已於軟性包裝產業佔有一席之地。 歷經二次遷廠及不斷投資擴充新設備,本公司擁有各項高規格、高性能之機器設備,包括最新型八色高速凹版輪轉印刷機、日本住友淋膜機、義大利Schiavi無溶劑貼合機、日本西部機械拉鍊站立製袋機及最新引進之盒裝型直立軟袋製袋機,以及美國雷射易撕切割設備等;為了讓公司所生產之軟性包材更符合食品安全衛生之要求,近年來更擴建兩座無塵室潔淨廠房,期以更高品質的作業環境,為客戶提供更優質的產品。 過去這些年來,台灣薄膜之所以能成功地克服許多競爭與障礙,是因為我們強烈的秉持著「追求卓越、精益求精」的經營理念,與我們的客戶、廠商及員工共同建立友好和善的關係,使公司穩定成長。目前管理重點著重於「品質、服務、速度」之提昇及環境保護,我們相信,只要結合我們的客戶、廠商及員工一起努力,台灣薄膜必將以穩定的腳步和優於同業的表現持續成長,展望未來成為全球軟性包材產業中之領導廠商。 Taipoly Industries Corporation / No.36, Industrial 24th Road, Nantun District, 40850 Taichung City, Taiwan Tel:886-4-23590161 / Fax:886-4-23509510 / e-Mail: [email protected] 台湾薄膜股份有限公司 / 408台中市南屯区工业24路36号 Tel: 886-4-23590161 / Fax: 886-4-23509510 / e-Mail: [email protected] 北區營業所:(114)台北市內湖區瑞光路6-2號2樓 Tel: 02-27933228 / Fax: 02-27933108 中區營業所:(407)台中市南屯區黎明路二段599號2樓 Tel: 04-22513028 / Fax: 04-22516210 彰化工廠:(503)彰化市花壇鄉中溪一巷37號 Tel: 04-7883258 / Fax: 04-7881667 南區營業所&工廠:(710)台南市永康區永科3路19號 Tel: 06-2315236 / Fax: 06-2315769 email: [email protected]

Categories and tags of the game : Advertisement, Loop, Single Player