SuperStick RPG 2
Take the role of SuperStick and defeat the Evil Doctor Stick in this huge RPG adventure!
Author Comments:
Update: SuperStick RPG 3 is scheduled for a mid summer release! It is well on its way too! Look for it!
Thanks for looking!
Hi everybody. Please play through the game a lot before reviewing, and remember that you can save, so you don’t have to beat the game all at once. IT MAY RUN SLOWLY ON SLOW COMPUTERS. Thanks! After 6 months of work, the second game in the series is finally done. There are many features in the game, including: 4 characters, 3 towns, 2 bosses, new level up system, many new stats, brand new story, and many more. If you don’t believe that this game is far superior to the first one, then feel free to take a look at SuperStick RPG 1.
Please note that you can’t use characters in battle that you have not met in the story yet.
IMPORTANT::PLEASE READ: Please read the tutorial while the game is loading or while you play the game (your choice.) If you decide not to read the tutorial, then here is some things you should know. Use the Up, Down, Right, and Left buttons to move SuperStick around town, and the world map. On the world map, press SPACE BAR to see your stats, and use items, press SPACE BAR again after you are finished. Also, to control difficulty, log on to SuperStick’s computer (in the East town or town you start in), and input the password «easy» or «hard». «hard» will make all enemys harder, but will allow you to get more EXP, and coins. Press ENTER after you tyoe the password. Pressing enter multiple times for «hard» will make the enemys harder and harder (and will increase the amount of exp and money you get when you beat them.) «easy» will make the difficulty go back to default. Also, be aware of the blue arrow on the bottom right of your screen (only in towns). Clicking on it will allow you to save, check stats, etc. Note: The load option will not appear unless you had previously saved a game. Also, click «load game», then «play» to play your saved game when you play the game again. View tutorial for more info and diagrams.
Enjoy the game, and play through it some before you vote. Also, leave reviews, it’s always great to read what people liked and disliked, and what they would like to see in the next game.
Rating: Little violence, no sex, or nude stuff (nudity), a little language, suitable for age 12+.
If the game does not work on newgrounds for any reason, you can visit my site, and play it there, thanks for playing, and have fun.
Categories and tags of the game : Role-Playing, Single Player, Stick