Super Smash Flash 2 Teaser

Super Smash Flash 2 Teaser
Super Smash Flash 2 Teaser

Super Smash Flash 2 Teaser This is the offical teaser trailer for the upcoming Flash Game, «Super Smash Flash 2,» the sequel to the famous «Super Smash Flash» game created by Cleod-9. Note that this Trailer does NOT feature any actual gameplay, only a Dramatization of Actual Gameplay. Also, I do NOT know when SSF2 is coming out. I can’t give you any dates, because Cleod9 hasn’t given out any. Link to Cleod-9’s site: Link to the SSF2 Demo: http://www.mcleodgaming.c om/?page=demos Link to the original Super Smash Flash: page=downloads Link ot the offical SSF2 DOJO!: http://smashflashcentral. *EDIT* I don’t know why, but it seems to go slow as hell on this site. It goes a little bit faster here: ndex.php?page=fan *EDIT 2* Thanks for all the comments guys! I just have a few things that I need to clarify. All the characters that appeared in the Teaser WILL be appearing in SSF2. However, there are MORE CHARACTERS in the SSF2 game than I showed in the trailer. I just cover the basic ones. Who are they? I can’t tell you yet. The rest will be a surprsie. And yes, SSF2 is better than SSF. SSF2 is so good, it makes SSF1 look like crap.

Categories and tags of the game : Action, Auto-zipped, Bleach, Donkey Kong, Dragon Ball, Kingdom Hearts and more..., Kirby, Metroid, Pixel, Pokémon, Single Player, Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda