Super Smash Bros ST
Master hand has a question and he wonders if he is truly invincible so he summons nintendos all stars to se if all of them combined have a chance against to win!!
EDIT: This is for all of you.
this is an old flash i made ages ago D-Sun said he saw this before here well there is no way because i never submited it and i can proove all ways im the autor.
Second: There is part 2 and 3 this is not the final!!!
Third: This was originaly on 12 fps but it looks very sucky thats why i incresed the speed
Fourth: any questions? dont be afraid to ask 😉
Well if some one of you guys saw Old random mario flashes Roaltyx reviews me telling me to upload this old smash movie i showed him so well here it is
its Super smash bros story!!!
a little tale of master hand and nintendos all stars!
Categories and tags of the game : Action, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Metroid, Pixel, Single Player