Stuff film classics

Stuff film classics
Stuff film classics

Stuff film classics My childhood films! and yes they all do look cheap and poorly done… BECAUSE THEY ARE *for starters theres an easteregg* Well I was lazy and I was going to make a film but did this instead. Its a little requiem of my old films, 4 of them that I think are great for their own reasons. I have the ko show, lolzilla, Cool-ddd, and clean rain. These films are littered with gifs that I have a hard time giving credit to. So If your can tell of there locations then tell me. Also fuzzy was in my first film ever and I still have his graphic so thats there. The ko show is he first film of mine to have my voice and to be fully drawn. Its my voice from when I was a kid, I sound so… Yikes. K.O. was also my first comic series. It was simple and drawn funny. Why he is on a radio show I have no clue. Lolzilla was at one point my masterpiece. A long time ago I was a cub scout, and my mom was a den leader. So each Cub Scout meeting would be held at my house every week on Friday, And every time I would premier my film made during the week. Lolzilla was praised a lot for who know what reason but still it holds essence as my most nostalgic film. The song was from a game called Glover, the Kirby gifs were from KRR and the rest I have no clue, sorry. Cool-ddd was the starting point of those Cub Scout premiers. It is really cheep but its actually one of the eldest films of mine I can still find. A lot of my firsts were deleted. The sprites were again from KRR. And clean rain was great because it was my first and only film I put in front of a whole crowd. It was the final act of my grade school talent show and it was great. I had never felt so much pride before and it was great. The theme was a cleaning earth… I think, so I used a child hood song by Raffi-Clean rain. Its all about clean water, loving earth ect ect all that Cpt planet stuff. Again I have no clue who to credit for some junk but oh well thats how all my old films are.

Categories and tags of the game : Action, Comedy, Interactive, Kirby, Music Video, Pokémon and more..., Single Player, Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario