Stencyl 2.0 Tutorial 5: Menus

Stencyl 2.0 Tutorial 5: Menus
Stencyl 2.0 Tutorial 5: Menus

Stencyl 2.0 Tutorial 5: Menus This concluding tutorial goes over adding advanced menus to the platformer game created in the first four tutorials. Please note that this tutorial is trickier and longer than the previous four since I decided to demonstrate how to use generic programming to create them. As always, 100% of revenue goes straight to charity. Thank you 🙂 Instructions Click/Space/Enter to advance a slide Hold Shift + Click/Space/Enter to go back a slide Use the menu scrollbar at the bottom for quick scene selection Hold Ctrl + Click to follow links (in blue) Use arrows/WASD in the game for movement

Categories and tags of the game : Interactive, Platformer, Single Player, Stencyl, Tutorial