Shining Armor Games parody intro
Based on my old JibJab logo animation, now it’s Armor Games to get the MLP treatment. And it’s pretty obvious after looking at Shining Armor’s cutie mark and plus his name, it’s obvious that I have to do this.
Sorry that his stars are going off course, but what to do when the swords are in the way. If you’re asking how I made it to be 100% accurate as the real thing?
1. I decompile the intro from an existing Armor Games game file.
2. Trace the cutie mark, thank you, :iconzutheskunk: .
3. Remake the sword in order to ensure nothing is completely ripped off or indicate it was stolen.
4. Animations and tweenings are all provided in the exported FLA file, so the only things I did are to replace the objects only, nothing else and nothing much. That only took 1 hour to finish instead of a whole day if do everything from scratch.
And well, there you have it, lots of changes and hope you find it awesome, especially to you bronies who also play at Armor Games.
Armor Games logo & sounds (C) Daniel McNeely
My Little Pony (C) Hasbro
Parody Animation (C) BBK :iconbb-kenobi:
Categories and tags of the game : My Little Pony, Other, Parody, Single Player