SBURB Main Menu Mockup Flash

SBURB Main Menu Mockup Flash
SBURB Main Menu Mockup Flash

SBURB Main Menu Mockup Flash EDIT: Made a slight adjustment lowering the volume of the ticking when hovering over the buttons. EDIT 2.0: Changed the BG so it’s no longer just side to side but instead continuous. Blurred a few of the clouds to give some depth (albeit really little.) Sorry for the INCREDIBLY lazy start screen, they’ll get better if I ever do a full on main menu for SBURB. So I decided to dedicate my time today to re-learning a bit of flash. Just simple tweens, motions, buttons, and stuff. Nothing too drastic!! Anyway, the original plan for the SBURB Menu Mock up was to make it a flash so that’s exactly what I did here! It does stop after a certain amount of time. Idk like a minute or so? Just a demo I guess lol. It’s not much, but now that I have flash and actually got a small hang on it. I’ll prolly start working on fanflashes now (for my fansession lol.) Anyway!! Song used is SBURBan Prelude [Main Menu] from the Fan SBURB OST. Which can be found here: EDIT: Creds to the guys who made the song and album art!! rundoublerun made the album art for both the Main Menu and Options theme from the SBURB fanost–his art blog can be found here!! normal blog: art blog: Aidan/Alex aka Soberlex made the song that was used in the flash! His blog can be found here~ Clouds that were used in this were not made by me just taken/used from the MSPA wiki background. Homestuck (c) Andrew Hussie SBURB (c) Andrew Hussie Took me about two hours to make. Used Photoshop CS5 and Flash CS6!!

Categories and tags of the game : Homestuck, Interactive, Single Player