[S] VERY WELL. Spritelog: AVENGERSPRITE: Above The Medium, beyo-yond The Seven Gates, situated at the center of The Incipisphere is a place known as Skaia. AVENGERSPRITE: Legend holds that Skaia exists as a dormant crucible of unlimited creative potential. What on earth does that mean, yo-you might ask? Sorry, but that’s a secret! Yo-yo-yo-yo-yo! AVENGERSPRITE: However, where a realm of this level of importance is of interest, the forces of light will forever be responsible for its defense, while the forces of darkness will equally yo-yearn for its annihilation! https://huch-a9346.deviantart.com/art/Next-357198220 http://fav.me/d57zcpz | https://huch-a9346.deviantart.com/art/Next-356064680 Art is by me. Homestuck is by Andrew Hussie. This is based on the storyboard for his webcomic Homestuck. This is also a fancomic. (Please note that you may enter commands in the comments below. I may or may not refer to the comment section for following pages.) Music is «Skies of Skaia» from Homestuck.

Categories and tags of the game : Homestuck, Other, Single Player, Webcomic