Runny Square

Runny Square
Runny Square

Runny Square Gain points while going around the track without crashing the wall. Also, the square will keep getting fast from time to time. This is old game I made in December 2014 ago as Ludum Dare 31 entry, added with medals and scoreboard. How to Play: – Press space or click to change directio – Don’t crash the wall – The square’s speed while keep increasing from time to time. == Update 1.0.2 (27/7/2015) == – Fixed the «More Than Fingers and Toes Combined» medal (which requires 21 points) – Based on the statistic of the highscore, points required to get 50 and 100 points medals has been scaled down. == Update 1.0.3 (29/7/2015) == – Optimized some code to improve performance == Update 1.0.4 (9/9/2015) == – Fixed medal name «Crasbed Before Starting» typo into «Crashed Before Starting». – Medal reward for scoring will be rewarded after crashed. The previous was the moment when reaching certain score which cause distraction/disturb concentration. – Added some codes to store and manage api better. – Changed «?» button link into NG’s profile instead blog

Categories and tags of the game : Arcade, Game Jam, HaxeFlixel, Ludum Dare, Pixel, Score-Attack and more..., Single Player, Timing