Root Lines Artificial Life

Root Lines Artificial Life
Root Lines Artificial Life

Root Lines Artificial Life This creates 10 plants (weeds) or root systems that exhibit a simple form of artificial life. They start out as nothing and branch off adding roots with each frame. If that root added extends to the position of another weed, it kills that weed and the dead weed has to be reborn in a random position starting over again with no roots. Color is random but the root thickness is based on the amount of kills the killing weed has. In other words a really thick rooted weed would have been killed by a weed with a lot of kills – a kind of helper to the underdog though, functionally, theres no difference in having big roots vs small except they’re more easily seen on the screen. Every frame there is also an trace output of each plants lifespan in frames and kills. Only 14 lines of code.

Categories and tags of the game : Other, Single Player