Rokunami Day 2

Rokunami Day 2
Rokunami Day 2

Rokunami Day 2 if your INTERNET isn SLOW u might have to wait 30mins-1 hour for the flash to load.. (cause that wat happened to mine ) wait for the ice cream!!!! D: be lated HAPPY ROKUNAMI DAY! a rest from all the commission posts… this one is from me >D The concept is LITTLE RANDOM if i say so myself.. :p This is a PARODY of an ICE CREAM commercial CORNETTO >>watch here<>here</ cant i do whatever i want for a change? nothings change im always late *shots* i didnt want to upload this up until now.. Like i mentioned in my journal i wont upload until i feel..rather.. «happy» inside.. i wasnt happy about wat was going on with my life lately so i didnt feel like posting something i did for myself…..:< but now..i guess u can see im happier with everything.! thanks for all the support of my friends.. and ofcourse my watchers who cared on DA! :heart: Enjoy and Have a nice DAY!!! ============== Will post commission in the next 4 hours ^^

Categories and tags of the game : Comedy, Comic, Kingdom Hearts, Single Player