Revolving Slideshow – Sample 1
Sample with four sections, combined text and image captions, embedded fonts, curved.
About Revolving
Revolving slideshow is XML driven Flash slideshow/banner rotator with amazing 3D effect, built with latest version of Away3D, real-time 3D engine which uses the hardware-accelerated Stage3D API’s in Flash Player 11. It is easy to use and very customizable. Revolving slideshow is build in pure AS3, all assets (button images and font libraries) are loaded externally. That means that you can change almost anything without even opening Flash.
Some of things you can set from XML file
Image sections size and thickness
Camera position
Light position and type
Text or image captions, curved or flat
Use device or embedded fonts for text captions
Transition duration, easing and delay
Button images, position, alignment, visibility (on, off or display on hover).
Pause on mouse over (optional)
Categories and tags of the game : 3D, Away3D, Interactive, Mouse-only, Single Player, Slideshow