Revival & Revenge
Happy MadnessDay everybody 😀
At last. It’s finished. And somehow it looks not exactly the way I planned, but who cares. Had a lot of audio conversion problems as well, otherwise it would have been posted here a few hours earlier already.
Jake L. Tulper is just a random guy who gets shot by David «Agent Orange» Florida, who needs a corpse to run some tests on.
Agent Orange also needs the element Yrgonium for another experiment, and he drops by at Alexander «Stabby» Kimble’s laboratory to steal it.
Both Jake and Stabby are not very pleased with the actions of Agent Orange, and they both decide to go on a killing spree to get what they want. Revenge. Yay.
Programs used: I used PowerPoint to make all characters, weapons, cars, environments and animations.
To convert the PowerPoint to Flash I used iSpring Pro 4, a special PPT to SWF conversion tool.
– Unless I specify otherwise, NewGrounds is the one and only site to display this flash. –
Categories and tags of the game : Action, Madness Combat, Single Player, Strong Violence