Pushy Elephant: A Diversion for a Pair of Brave Persons Constructed for Miniature Ludum Dare One Score and Five Playable on Information Super Driveway Browsermachines

Pushy Elephant: A Diversion for a Pair of Brave Persons Constructed for Miniature Ludum Dare One Score and Five Playable on Information Super Driveway Browsermachines
Pushy Elephant: A Diversion for a Pair of Brave Persons Constructed for Miniature Ludum Dare One Score and Five Playable on Information Super Driveway Browsermachines

Pushy Elephant: A Diversion for a Pair of Brave Persons Constructed for Miniature Ludum Dare One Score and Five Playable on Information Super Driveway Browsermachines Player one uses A and D Player two uses the left and right arrow keys. When your opponent is hit by the scorpion, your score goes up. Never ends. Quite bad.

Categories and tags of the game : Arcade, Multiplayer