

Pumpkins Pumpkins is a jack-o-lantern carving game. It’s mostly targeted towards kids certainly, but enjoyable by everyone. I guess «interactive toy» describes it best. It’s pretty fun, I promise! CONTROLS: Mouse only. Follow the instruction at the top of the screen. Click-drag-release pumpkins to hurl them all over the place! FEATURES: – Three pumpkins to carve, whose data is saved automatically between play sessions. They are rendered in a beautiful «fake 3d» fashion and look at the mouse cursor constantly. – These pumpkins coexist in an overview screen, where they can be moved and thrown around, squashing and stretching as they land. – An intuitive carving interface based on dragging shapes – holes or patches – over the pumpkin’s surface. It’s also possible to draw custom polygonal shapes. Every shape can be moved, rotated and scaled and this even after it’s been placed. – It is possible to print out a single pumpkin at a size suited for a halloween mask or a real pumpkin-carving stencil, or the whole overview with all pumpkins together. Printed images all have an «happy halloween!» mention in the top-left corner. – Individual pumpkins, or the whole scene, can also be saved to disk as an image file. – Lastly, it is possible to export/import pumpkins by obtaining xml-formated code that describes a particular pumpkin. This code can then be applied to any other pumpkin, transforming it into the one described by the code. This enables users to share their pumpkins or keep them safe for later. ————————————————————————- This game started as a request from Moshi Monsters. I co-designed it with Kate Bryant. Non-exclusive licenses are available on FGL: https://www.fgl.com/view_game.php?from=dev&game_id=14329

Categories and tags of the game : Creative, Mouse-only, Object Creator, Single Player