Project Luna – Elements of Harmony
Remember when we all first saw the Mane Six defeat Nightmare Moon? This is how I felt about that scene.
It’s been months, and this is still an ongoing project, but I’m just glad I finally finished a part of it. Here’s the first test run for Project Luna, my Flash PMV project. It runs through the song «Luna (Dream Mode)», and this is meant to be the sequence starting at the 2:30 mark (about 3/5 through the song).
I like how the sequence turned out, but clearly there’s still room for improvement. For example, the «blinds» that show Twilight in the background could be a more elaborate/decorative silhouette rather than just plain black boxes. And the way Nightmare Moon simply zooms in can be improved with effects like the rainbow blast from the show, screen shakes, etc. I’m satisfied with how the Mane Six appear in pairs and with Luna’s «fade-to-white» moment here though.
Things to do include:
– Vector the Mane Six’s cutie marks
– Redraw and add Twilight’s «big crown thingy», not sure about the necklaces
– Add a well-animated rainbow beam effect that defeated Nightmare Moon
– Backgrounds and other effects
– Decide on a distinct vector style for the PMV (colors seem too plain/flat as it is)
– And of course, draw, vector and sequence the rest of the scenes. Easier said than done!
Unfortunately, I’ll probably need to put the project on hold for a while during February to March. Things get really busy at work during this time because of tax season. But if there’s time, I’ll keep at it little by little as usual, in between other regular one-shot deviations. =)
«Luna (Dream Mode)» by :iconeurobeatbrony: ~eurobeatBrony
Categories and tags of the game : Music Video, My Little Pony, Single Player