Pokemon Hunter
5K Favourites
Heres my newest but unfortunately not my most original piece of work submission to my animation list after a long time hiatus due to my job and life.
Just a note that this animation is inspired/base off from another animation called «kansuto2.swf» if you guys saw it, I’m doing a tribute animation to it.
The purpose of this flash is to work out on my effect and motion tweening skills. In the future I hope to submit more original content and not works being inspired and base off someone else’s.
and the remix music is composed by :iconhikui-hito: hes awesome
below this is the link to the Newgrounds version, vote 5!
and some additional information of attacks used in the animation for the pokenerds.
Lucario LV50
High jump kick
Dragon pulse
Aura Sphere
Force palm
Sneasel LV50
Extreme speed
Metal claw
Powder snow
Steelix Lv70
Iron Tail
Earthquake (not used)
Image size
550x400px 2.94 MB
Published: May 11, 2009
© 2009 – 2020 NCH85
Categories and tags of the game : Action, Pokémon, Single Player