Pancake Surprise

Pancake Surprise
Pancake Surprise

Pancake Surprise PS! Flash by B.M. Please enable Flash player to play. Browsers that support Flash are Opera, Dolphin, Kiwi, FlashFox, and Puffin or generally Flash Browser that supports all Flash games. Sorry this is a very outdated story based Visual Novel game. The story is voiced and narrated by Rina Mizura Adachi. This is a Visual Novel story game and is a remake and or reboot of a one-shot RPG game The Future Is Now and a prototype Visual Novel adaption titled The Past Is The Past. A number of the original characters were removed from this remake. Some of the origins of this game can be seen here on YouTube at 27:51. The video explains pretty much everything in detail. About what inspired the creation and the drama surrounding it. Controls: Mouse: Navigate, Spacebar: Forward, Return: A. Questions: Below are some questions that people often ask with the answers included. «Who exactly is the main character?» People are probably unaware, but Mira Saffron is the main protagonist of the story. She is a character that at first seems well, but in reality she is more of a character that lacks confidence, and has low self-esteem. «Where is the game set?» The game is set Azealia. It is a world and or country that was inspired by the the medieval period. It is a mixture of the «Middle Ages» with fantasy and the magical boy, magical girl genre and RPG styles intertwined. «Where are the castle guards?» The castle guards are only featured in older releases of the game. They have or were accidentally forgotten or removed from the update. Sorry… «Why does Prince Pancake have pink hair and look girly?» It’s just one of those anime tropes where the characters emulate cuteness. The character does not promote anything. He’s supposed to be a pancake, he’s technically a «sweet» say like the Gingerbread man. In the original concept «Pancake» was a girl not a boy, and his redesign was based on my original sailor boy concepts, which I later used for other creations. And yes, Teen Titans the animated series did «indirectly» mock the character «Pancake» with a quick «Boop-Boop-Be-Doop» in one episode for anyone that missed it, and for anyone that doesn’t know about my original concepts and how Pancake came into fruition. Bullying people for having pink hair or wearing a sailor costume is probably a form of hate. So that being said, don’t bully people based on the color of their hair or skin or what they wear. And for those unaware yes, I do rally the «Boop» fandom. «Why does the character wear a sailor costume?» The story is set in a «fictional» vintage era. During the 1800s, children, especially royalty used to wear sailor costumes. The sailor costume is to say he is regal. The costumes were popular in Europe for both boys and girls. Even the great Queen Victoria once commissioned a sailor suit for her son in 1846, which was called «Sailor Chic» at the time. The costumes are also trademarks of famous characters such as Disney’s Donald Duck, Three Little Pigs and Popeye the Sailorman. The costumes are very popular uniforms for kids in Asia for example, North Korea, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Taiwan. It took a lot of inspiration to actually try to develop this character. Looking back now, it was possibly a bad idea. I later did use Pancake’s design for my character Mint, probably better known as Peppermint. A lot of my character ideas have kind of been «coined» by other creators. For example, Lemon, Pepper, Ginger. These ideas and concepts I created have inspired many. «Who are Gigi and Lemon?» Gigi and Lemon are two of my old blogging mascots. You can find them featured in my other Visual Novel games on my profile here. The mascots were put into the game for a novelty purpose, and to promote them. Which looking back was probably a bad idea… Official Website: Pancake Surprise! Clicking the screen while in story will also return you to the menu. Including some screens, so if you are pressing buttons, be sure to click the button and not the page or it will redirect you to the loading screen. The game also works extremely well in Adode Flash Player and can also be resized in the player. Game source files can be found on Dropbox and Gdrive for those who have trouble launching the game. Links: Credits: Beek Tim, Takegami Reshika, Rina Adachi. Game License: Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the «Software»), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub-license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. The Software provided «As Is», without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of imagination and are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental.

Categories and tags of the game : Adventure, Auto-zipped, Gamepad, Single Player, Visual Novel