Organization XIII in Viva Rock

Organization XIII in Viva Rock
Organization XIII in Viva Rock

Organization XIII in Viva Rock ============= DO NOT DOWNLOAD ============= Well, what can i say? im a fan of Organization XIII ^^ but im really NOT a fan of Naruto, I hate every single Naruto fanart, flashes etc… (due to ridiculously high number of naruto related deviations) (i still cant forgive myself for putting a Naruto Cameo on «Lexaeus Crappy Memory» and «Chocolate») >: ( But i had to admit to myself that I quite enjoy Viva Rock, the Naruto ending music from the thirth season (i think) so I tough about making a different version, just for the lolz 😀 [The Characters belong to Square Enix and Disney]

Categories and tags of the game : Anime, Kingdom Hearts, Mickey Mouse, Music Video, Parody, Single Player and more..., Twilight