OCB5- Chocobunny

OCB5- Chocobunny
OCB5- Chocobunny

OCB5- Chocobunny My next opponent. Chocobunny. :iconchocoj20: Very cute comic she has against me. I love it. <3 Made me giggle today. [link] Part 5 of the ORIGINAL CHARACTER BATTLE CONTEST ran by :iconniichts: Gold Dude belongs to this cool dude. :iconjongbom: Also, Just now, I realized that I made an awesome Cameo on this comic. [link] I can't stop smiling. I look like a weirdo, sitting in the dark smiling at my monitor. Thx :iconkura-x: And now.. i'm going to go do what I was doing before I started doing what I was doing today. (;

Categories and tags of the game : Auto-zipped, Comedy, Single Player