Nyanna Mew’s Tank Game
~Nyanna’s Tank Game~
Show Nyanna Mew some love and rescue her kittens! This is a tank game I have worked 2 months to create from scratch in ActionScript 3. It’s my programming, art, levels design, original music, and sound FX. This release includes 5 fully playable levels, and more can be added later on! 😀
* You can access the HELP screen during the game too, by clicking the «?» button on the top right. Nyanna will explain how to play. Don’t worry, the game is paused when you are there.
* Rescue all CATS on the map, and FISH will show up. Collect those to complete a level.
* All tanks can only shoot TWICE before they have to reload. Watch your ammo status on the top left.
* Tanks move in a particular way – avoid getting tangled on corners, walls, and other tanks!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
* You have infinite lives, and will return to the same level if you get shot.
* Enemy tanks CANNOT be destroyed. You can only damage them, and make them stop for repairs for a few seconds. WATCH OUT: don’t be too close when they come back!
*Enemy tanks have proximity sensors – stay away to avoid getting detected and attacked. If you get «pinged», move away and they will loose you if you get far enough. You may go a-la-Rambo if you wish.
* Avoid shooting tanks if they will block your way out. You may get yourself trapped! Sometimes it may be better to let them move away, unless you’ve got yourself detected.
* The game timer is just for your your record – there is no time limit (I hate those!).
* You can adjust voice/SFX and music volumes, respectively, using the two sliders on the bottom right.
All AS3 programming, original music, art, and level design by me. Nyanna Mew is my OC. Hope you like it and thanks for coming by!
Categories and tags of the game : Adult, Animal Hybrid, Artillery, Feline, Single Player, Time-Attack