Nyan Cat: Genre Hopping
Nyan Cat bounces through a variety of musical and visual styles.
Author Comments:
Although I am fully aware that the Nyan Cat meme is about as old as Betty White in internet years, this ridiculous little two-week project was still a lot of fun, and was mainly for the purpose of determining how well I could pull off a wide range of musical styles in Logic. In a perfect world, this project would have been twice as long, but some genres are deceptively tough to reproduce with only a laptop at my disposal. In loving memory of Nyan Cat.
WARNING: There is a brief section about a minute in that makes use of a strobe effect. If you know you suffer from epilepsy, you may want to steer clear.
Categories and tags of the game : Drugs, Epilepsy Warning, Feline, Medieval, Music Video, Nyan Cat