No Touching

No Touching
No Touching

No Touching No Flash? No problem. The game has now been converted to HTML5. Check it out on or Some time ago I ran into a photoshopped version of «I am the night» bat image (google «I am the night bat» and you will know what I am talking about) where someone pasted a chubby version of Gamer Luna in place of the bat. I’ve decided to vectorize it and add some interaction. The design is based of chubbies from . Fluffle Puff belongs to (check out his tumblr: ) Instructions:Just move the mouse left and right to give the pony a little poke.You can also click one of the icons on the top of the screen to switch to a different character. Last update: 16.02.2015 Ok guys and gals, this is it, unless there are some bugs or misspellings, this is the final version of «No Touching!». I am completely amazed at how much views this got! It was very fun adding all those ponies and hopefully you guys had fun poking them. I decided to move on to my next project – hopefully I will be able to show all you something as fun soon enough. I won’t be adding any more characters Here is the list of all the ponies you can find in «No Touching»: Princess Luna, Queen Chrysalis, Trixie, Lyra, Derpy, Big Mac, Rarity, Discord, Nightmare Moon, Cadance, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy (Flutterbat at 8 pokes), Princess Celestia, Fluffle Puff, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Octavia, Vinyl, Sombra, Sunset Shimmer, Gilda, Berry Punch, Mane-iac, Shining Armor, Spike, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Babs Seed, Zecora, Doctor Whooves, Minuette, Bon Bon, Spitfire, Marble Pie, Maud Pie, Golden Harvest, Apple Fritter, Flash Sentry, Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara, Cloudchaser, Flitter, Royal Guard, Fausticorn. Due to many people asking for it, here are the sources of sound loops: Octavia: Vinyl: Inkie: Facebook

Categories and tags of the game : Mouse-only, My Little Pony, Single Player, Toy