Nazrin trains!

Nazrin trains!
Nazrin trains!

Nazrin trains! After the Orin incident, Nazrin decides to undergo some physical training in preparation for her next cat confrontation. If I had more time, I would have drawn her swinging her dowsing rods around like swords, but I didn’t, so I basically only animated one thing and then reused it. Hooray for reusing parts of animations! Also, if you notice, I’ve been using these repeating backgrounds somewhat often, and that is because they are awesome. Also, this is post ID #700, if that means anything. And it doesn’t really, aside from the fact that it is a multiple of 100, which seems to be important sometimes for whatever reason. And it’s also Friday the 13th again! Yeah!

Categories and tags of the game : Loop, Single Player, Slideshow, Touhou Project