Naruto Flash Mail

Naruto Flash Mail
Naruto Flash Mail

Naruto Flash Mail NEWS ======= Naruto Flash Mail is Discontinued, I’m very sorry because I don’t think I have the time for there’s school and I have a very hard goal…. but however… you can still play this, but I’m not gonna update it. I’m planning to make a Naruto SIM DATE, yes… A SIM DATE. But I’m not gonna make Naruto Flash Mail but a Sim Date! July 11,2009 Password is avenger123 all lowcaps It’s awful but I’ll make a new version of this one day… Just enjoy this for a while, and if you send your messages, it won’t be shown or anything but anyways, I’ll update this until I make a new version. If there are any glitches, feel free to tell me, I’ll try to fix it. Those are new messages Sasuke got and it’s up to you to reply. If I like your message I’ll put it in Flash ^w^ After 5 mails got answered, I’ll update few bunch of messages and others might be replied messages. This happens until Version 2 is up! Sorry but old messages and outbox messages will be deleted if 5 messages are done replied. Also, IM is not available in this version 😉 Sorry. You can only compose messages or reply to people’s messages Be Patient: I can only update this every weekends, I’m too busy to do it in weekdays. Glitches: I know there’s some glitches when double clicked. I’ll fix that when I have time. Glitch July 25, 2009: Hinata Glitch is now fixed, I hope. Just tell me if it’s not. ^^; This must be a serious glitch. Just don’t reply to Hinata, but you can compose a message to her. Thanks to: for the preloader. ^^ Yeah Block Lists and IM are the only buttons that didn’t work. Because: 1) IM- is not available in this version 2) Block Lists- I’m planning to fix that on the next weekend, and don’t ask why. :3 Because I don’t know. Comments are appreciated, thank you! ^_^ I got the idea from: «Have Fun with Sasuke» and «Shinobi Mail»

Categories and tags of the game : Interactive, Naruto, Single Player