Naruto: 3 Person Teams…

Naruto: 3 Person Teams…
Naruto: 3 Person Teams…

Naruto: 3 Person Teams... *PLEASE READ!!!* OK! Explaination time! XD Right well… 3 people to a team in Naruto…. 3 Charlie’s Angels… They were waiting a long while for Kakashi… people’s minds wander when they are bored. Except Sasuke… Sasuke just watches Charlie’s Angels so much in his spare time he sometimes has trouble with that world and reality… 😀 hahaha… oh god what have I done…? lol Flash skills have improved. I used layers. W00t. :w00t: Play buttons though… They still baffle me… DONT keel the krack kween *coff* I do not own Naruto or Charlie’s Angels.

Categories and tags of the game : Comedy, Naruto, Single Player