My Little Pony Music Box

My Little Pony Music Box
My Little Pony Music Box

My Little Pony Music Box Download-link: [link] EDIT8: I FINISHED «Art of the dress»! EDIT7: Finally finished «You gotta share, you gotta care» and added the EDITS after deleting them! EDIT6: Added the «Nightmare Night theme» and a loop button! EDIT5: «So many wonders» joins the list! EDIT4:Made «Giggle at the Ghostly»! EDIT3: Added «Hush now, quiet now» and added a fancy schmancy mirroring effect! EDIT2: «Cupcakes» added! EDIT1: Added «Evil Enchantress»! Even though it just started as a test, I appreciate all the positive feedback of all the bronies out there! 😀

Categories and tags of the game : Interactive, Music, My Little Pony, Single Player