Madness Accelerant

Madness Accelerant
Madness Accelerant

Madness Accelerant Thirty days to bring this together and it still comes down to the wire on Madness Day. We’ve poured everything we got into this game so hopefully you enjoy it and it runs ok on your computer! If it runs slow, Q toggles the quality. This game is a shot-by-shot playable remake of Krinkel’s Madness Consternation! We took a few liberties but overall tried to match the progression pretty closely. Enjoy!!! Also note the fun fan-art gallery, showcasing stuff from the Art Portal! HAPPY MADNESS DAY 2009! UPDATE: Sept 23 – Final boss bugs should be fixed! Clear your cache. Sept 24 – Hank now spends less time on the ground, while enemies spend more and can be shot while on ground. Hopefully this feels a little better! Sept 29 – Fixed doorway agent bug and added a SWAP button (D) to swap weapons when you already have one. Walking over a weapon you already have will increase your ammo! Sept 30 – Added option for MOUSE AIMING! We hope this makes lots of people happy. Oct 1 – Added Madness Mode, which you unlock by beating the game. It’s HARDCORE! Sorry I can’t add a pause button. This game is in AS2 and built in a way that simply doesn’t allow it. Flash has no native pause support.

Categories and tags of the game : Action, Auto-zipped, Madness Combat, Run 'n' Gun, Shooter, Side View and more..., Single Player