Killer Sushi
:rofl: This is an idea by :iconmaverick-hunter-kat:
She has a little picture of Cloud throwing ebi (shrimp sushi) at Vincent, who goes, «GET THE FOUL THING OFF!» Because apparantly, he’s allergic to sushi. xD (wtf?) And then I was saying how much fun it would be to make a short flash game of it, so here it is. P: It’s not so much as a game as it is pelting poor Vinny with sushi.
He also has 15 different phrases, so make sure to hit him a lot! 8D
Cloud & Vincent (c) Square Enix
Idea (c) :iconmaverick-hunter-kat:
Flash (c) :iconitaluv:
Sound Fx (c) Flashkit
Categories and tags of the game : Final Fantasy, Mouse-only, Single Player, Toy