Kill ninjas/wizards/overseers/lazers/cannoners/etc

Kill ninjas/wizards/overseers/lazers/cannoners/etc
Kill ninjas/wizards/overseers/lazers/cannoners/etc

Kill ninjas/wizards/overseers/lazers/cannoners/etc If you wanna make a game like this, then look at Kwing’s tutorial.He teach people how to make this kind of game. Because this game was made by using Kwings tutorial, you can kill enemies by hitting their bullets, explosions etc. I used FeidishDemon’s tutorial for the vcam, and flash8games for the health, and replay button.This game was inspired by Armed with wings games. Use the arrow keys to move, and ‘a’ to attack. some enemies can get back up when you attack them on their death animation. The songs are by Lilly Allen «everyone’s at it», and Wesley Willis «Suck a carribous @$$». I got dissapointed when I made this because when I played it, it was just plain boring, and it made me want to not add more things like grass on the platforms, enemy colors, and stuff to this piece o S star star T. I hope you like it

Categories and tags of the game : Blood, Joke, Platformer, Single Player, Strong Language