Karkat and Kankri

Karkat and Kankri
Karkat and Kankri

Karkat and Kankri I animated this. The voices and audio are from Circles n Squares by Stamper. I just really wanted to animate and see how I would do. This isn’t much I’m sure to do better later. spectralPrankster inspired me to animate. I just suck wif ideas and story so I guess I can have fun animating over voice clips I made a bunch of stuff I just never uploaded my work on youtube. Check them out https://rarekirbystarball2.deviantart.com/gallery/ eventhough this video looks like crap it was really hard just to make it. Especially when trying to make them fit the audio Karkat and Kankri are from Homestuck made by Andrew Hussie

Categories and tags of the game : Comedy, Homestuck, Single Player