Just like kagome

Just like kagome
Just like kagome

Just like kagome this was probably my first ever completed Inuyasha game XD LOL just thought maybe i would share it with you all~ :iconinumeowplz: My first game ever made was probably my rabbit dress up game… never made it to the internet XD HAHA!~ :iconinuheheheplz: i had actually planned to make many games with similar titles~ :iconinumeowplz: Just like Inuyaha~ Just like Kirara~ Just like jakotsu~ :iconinucameplz: i started those three but didnt get far~ perhaps some day ill get back to it~ :iconinumeowplz: lol~ enjoy my ancient creation and prepare for weird glitches or somthing like that~ :iconexcitedplz:

Categories and tags of the game : Action, Auto-zipped, InuYasha, Mouse-only, Shooting Gallery, Single Player